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In case you missed USCOTS …

My break from writing this blog continues. I look forward to resuming soon.

In the meantime, I thank all who attended USCOTS (U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics) earlier this summer. If you were not able to attend, or if you missed some of the keynote sessions, or if attended and would like to re-watch them, please see the recordings that Bob Carey has prepared and posted. You can find these recordings by scrolling down on the session pages linked below:

  1. Opening session of five-minute talks on the conference theme of “Expanding Opportunities,” featuring Anna Fergusson, Frank Savina, Jennifer Green, Kathryn Kozak, Maria Tackett, and Rebecca Wong (here)
  2. Democratizing Data (Science): Empowering and Expanding Opportunities for Both Students and Educators, by Rebecca Nugent (here)
  3. Panel discussion on “Expanding Horizons and Fostering Diversity,” featuring Felicia Simpson, Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver, Jamylle Carter, Prince Afriyie, and Samuel Echevarria-Cruz (here)
  4. Data Feminism, by Lauren Klein and Catherine D’Ignazio (here)
  5. Data Science Ethics: A Checklist for Statistics Educators, by Jessica Utts (here)
  6. Expanding Opportunities for Underprepared Statistics Students, by Alana Unfried (here)
  7. Closing session of take-away thoughts on “Expanding Opportunities,” featuring program committee members Amy Hogan, Camille Fairbourn, Eric Reyes, Judith Canner, Kelly Spoon, Larry Lesser, Megan Mocko, Sharon Lane-Getaz, and Todd Iversen (here)